Sunday, January 22, 2017

Quick Takes

Bits and Pieces from a Busy Weekend...

What a whirlwind! From the soggy, dark negativity of Friday's inauguration through Saturday's epic day of protest through Sunday's reflection and sense of one small victory but one loud voice, tidbits from the net...

Michael Moore posted a stirring video from Thursday night's protest in NY city. His key point: call your representatives and senators: 

"“I want every one of us to commit ― starting today if you can, but certainly starting on Monday ― that you make a part of your daily routine to call Congress,” Moore urged. You don’t even have to look up your legislator’s information, he added; you can simply call (202) 225-3121 and ask for them to connect you to your representative. "

 Liberal America links to a BBC Documentary on the links between Donald Trump and Russia. The relationship appears to be long and deep with many questions still unresolved.This is an issue with the most alarming implications for national security. The fact that the president* and his administration are shrugging their shoulders about it all is astounding. 

Dan Rather nails the importance of truth and facts to a Democracy and why we cannot begin to accept the little lies:

When you have a press secretary in his first appearance before the White House reporters threaten, bully, lie, and then walk out of the briefing room without the cajones to answer a single question…these are not normal times....The press has never seen anything like this before. The public has never seen anything like this before. And the political leaders of both parties have never seen anything like this before.What can we do? We can all step up and say simply and without equivocation. “A lie, is a lie, is a lie!” And if someone won’t say it, those of us who know that there is such a thing as the truth must do whatever is in our power to diminish the liar’s malignant reach into our society.

Another great take on the importance of Truth and Integrity from Eliot Cohen, one of the original neocons. No innocent himself, having promoted the Iraq War early on and been involved with the Bush administration, even he is appalled by the mendacity of the Trumpistas:

We will not change him—no one can. His children may be able to soften the edges and his most trusted advisers may deflect him off his erratic courses, but nothing will teach him gravitas, magnanimity, or wisdom. Until he is impeached, thrown out of office in four years, succumbs to illness, or lasts through eight years, he is what we have learned he is, and will remain so. The beginning of wisdom will be to treat his office with respect, but him with none, because it will achieve nothing, and because as a human being he deserves none. He will remain erratic, temperamental, vengeful, and perhaps most of all, deeply insecure. A man who mocks John McCain, denounces Gold Star parents, snarls at an actor who spoofs him, and makes fun of a crippled reporter is someone whose core is empty, and whose need for approbation is unlimited because the void within him is so complete.

And finally, the largest single day of protest in US history! As posted in US Uncut and reported in national news, there were massive protests in just about all major cities. If you click through to Prof. Jeremy Pressman's spreadsheet, you can see rallies of all sizes in cities and towns large and small. The resistance is widespread and deep. The trick will be to maintain the heat and momentum from this weekend, but it is a very good start!

My album of photos from the Ann Arbor march is here. It was an inspiring and empowering day!

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